Man, I cried today. I cried this morning before work, I cried @ the gas station when my bumper came off, I cried when my mom came and we talked, I cried from being ashamed of crying. I feel like a little kid when I cry, and these tears were quiet tears, that skate down your face without any effort on your part. I guess I'm a little overwhelmed as far as my finances and my plan for my life. It's a natural thing but it's still difficult to stay on top of things. I'm beginning to be worn down by having a job that has nothing to do with the career I'm pursuing. Retail is hell. Period end of story, thank you and have a nice day. Retail during the holidays, is a slow painful torture that tests your resolve and character on a daily basis...people IT'S JUST CLOTHES! I mean you would think people were applying for home loans when they come to the register. Honestly, if you're in an emotional or aggravated state, don't shop. I never did like shopping, now I'm developed and intense loathing for it. I haven't even shopped since I started @ K&G in August, and I've lost a lot of weight, but I just can't be a customer right now.