I just got in from having a long talk with "Mr. Big." It was a tug of war with emotions and word choice. It was sprinkled with normalcy but teetered on the edge of explosion once or twice. The same issues recycled and some underlying ones surfaced and long held truths were voiced. But it ended on a good note. Which is all that matters, because that gets you to the next day and that is how life is lived, day by day. I think it frustrates him that I need reassurance about the state of things when we're clearly always together and have a good relationship. But my insecurities linger and he's so reluctant to relieve my paranoia so it results in long talks like tonight. Not gonna get all detailed but I will footnote this blog by sharing the poem that I shared with him at the end of our convo that I wrote while I was at work tonight. It had a title but the poem doesn't match it so it's untitled:
As we fall into the groove
Carved out by the footprints of our repetition
I begin to relax into the dip of this
Reclining in the comfort of predictability
I am cocooned in familiarity
Knowing you with an intimacy reserved for the family we choose in adulthood.
Short but sweet, kinda like him.
Nite, nite.
As we fall into the groove
Carved out by the footprints of our repetition
I begin to relax into the dip of this
Reclining in the comfort of predictability
I am cocooned in familiarity
Knowing you with an intimacy reserved for the family we choose in adulthood.
Short but sweet, kinda like him.
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