What type of Young and the Restless ish is going on in my life? Last night I was picking Benito up from work and Andre called me because he was going to come over when I got home. But I had to wait till 12 and I had already told Andre that but he still called me. So when I answered and he asked where I was Benito started talking shit to him and I was like are ya'll serious? Benito keeps blaming Andre for the friction between us and Andre keeps blaming Benito for me being stressed out. I'm blaming myself for trying to keep both of them in my life when it's painfully obvious that Benito is threatened by the fact that I actually like Andre. I think he assumed I would never get too serious with another guy and wait around like a nun for him to get good and ready to be with me. Ninja please
. So now after last night Andre is like dude disrespected me and if you continue to deal with him I can't deal with you. Me and Benito fell out after that whole scene so I figured the friendship was through but then this morning he acted like everything was coochie crunch. So now I can't tell Andre that Benito is still my friend cause he's not beat for the drama, nor am I. But I really like this guy, and I want to give this relationship a fair chance. So what is a girl to do? Throw away years of friendship and history for someone I've only known a month? Or try for happiness and a real relationship and move on? Let me know!
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This blog goes all the way back to 2005 and has postings from my old MySpace blog. It covers the majority of my 20s!
Xica said:
girlllll... i agree with Andre.. that young man is very mature.. I say you try for a relationship. benito is on and off.. please do you.. go for quality.. give you and andre a chance... and if that means for you to stop being the mat benito walks on when he feels like it then so be it.. if he really cares about you he'll understand.. he needs to.. you play the back burner chick for him... it's a hard choice to make but give yourself a chance..
Tynessa said:
Alright I see you have a huge trouble on your hands. We have Benito who hasn't made up his mind yet about what he wants and is how old?? who knows when this guy is going to come around man. You sure as hellz dont have the rest of your life to be waiting on him cuz you'll miss out on other possible relationships. For real it seems like he's "Blocking"! If he cant get you, then no one else will and that seems a lil on the possesive side. In the words of Miss Jackson, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY?.. ooooo yeah!!!" Please grow up. Now on the other hand you've only known Dre for a month or so. He seems like a good dude, got his ish in order. I mean not to take his side but I would be a lil put off if some old female friend who cant make up her mind kept messing up a thing im trying to establish with a dude im feeling. Im kind of in the same boat as you. I want to let go but something pulling me back so that I cant. I really need to meet new people but everytime I do im scared of losing what I have although it's not really mine. Dayum them heffa!!!!
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