Today I feel like taking a trip down memory lane. With a twist. Revistiting some past loves and the music that will forever be tied to our times together. Let's begin. Well, definitely have to shout out Reggie T., who taught me the importance of mood music
, I dedicate this Ginuwine song to you:
Moving on to more recent liasons, and very old flames all in one, Benito, my one and only kryptonite, the one person who shared my same feverish love of music and interest in it's particulars. Someone who could have made me so happy but consistently mad me so sad, I dedicate, of course, a Boot Camp classic:
Now, onto the last year. I was ahead of the curve with the Rich Boy phenomenon because of my short lived romp with you, Andre, good times though, bad timing, but still I dedicate a song that you were all over long before heads were buying Cadillacs, lol:
There's so many more guys and songs and memories attached to them, but I'll wrap this blog up with Justin, who, I really fucked up with, and, I hope can one day understand, but, who loved Lil' Wayne (I still can't get with him like that) and so I dedicate this last joint to you. It's crazy how a song or a show can bring you back to those happy moments with a person, but it's also a gift because many of those moments are forever lost in the annals of time:
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