Monday, January 7, 2008

Horror Scope

"If something confusing is starting to build between you and another person, don't try and fight it today. Even if you know this is definitely not what you want, one more day of experiencing it won't hurt anybody. Try this new thing on for size -- not to see if it fits, but to see why you don't like the way it feels. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to figure out what you don't want your life to be, and how you can avoid letting it get that way."

That's what my Yahoo Astrology forecast said for today.  I paid it no mind because I didn't leave the house till about 8pm.  Then my brother (good guy friend) Don called saying he wanted to come by.  Ok cool.  But our relationship has been strained ever since I realized he is really trying to make it a physical relationship.  No no no.  I'm trying to be the voice of reason here.  I'm trying to save our friendship because that's what I value most.  He wasn't trying to hear it.  He was so aggressive and stubborn and finally he left because I kept refusing to go there with him.  He talking bout can I hold you....psh.  So he leaves and asks if he can come back and stay over.  I say only if you stop trying stuff.  He says fine then I'm not coming back, I WANT YOU!  Oh jeezuz.  I'm so not beat for this.  WHY Lord.  Why can't you get credit for thinking with your head sometimes.  Then when I came back upstairs and reviewed my horoscope, that's wtf it said.  I had to roll my eyes.


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