Friday, January 21, 2011

You Probably Think This Poem Is About You

You probably think this poem is about you
In fact this poem could never be about you
I've written this poem before
I've felt this disappointment before
I have even, in earnest, vowed never to be here again--before
Never have any of my poems been about you, or anyone
I've realized just now that they are always about me
The exhausting Ground Hog Day of my life
Producing the same outcome
Me, alone
Me, moving on
Me, repeating the same choices
Me, writing another rambling poem
Trying to quantify my emotions
You probably think this poem is about regret
In fact this poem could never be resentful
I've written that poem before
I've wallowed in my angst before
Turns out this poem is really about life
As I've never lived this particular life before
Every experience is welcome


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