When I was 11, my dad took me to the movies, this is the only time I can remember him doing this, and we watched 3 movies, back to back, we just kept coming out and getting another ticket for something else. I always remember one was The Shadow, I think the other was The Lion King, and who knows what the 3rd was, but I did some research and Crooklyn came out that year so maybe it was that. Anyhow that's not the point. The point is little things like that, movie marathons, playing Sega CD with him, having Minesweeper battles, still remind me how cool of a guy my dad was. I'm grateful he was a computer geek and a kid at heart, he was a simple guy and he wasn't too talkative but he was very eloquent. I am his daughter in so many ways, and this morning I find myself missing him a lot. But I've been having some movie marathons of my own lately, and whenever technology allows me to do something cool I always wish he was here cause he'd be so impressed. He couldn't imagine downloading movies in an hour and watching at your leisure. I remember specifically one day he was reading the paper and talking about this new technology called DVDs and how it was going to revolutionize things! Anyhow, when Lord of the Rings came out I really wished I could have watched them with him, and shared other milestones that defined my childhood and our relationship. The lasting memory is that he loved me, and had his own way of showing it, but the most important way, was that he was always there for me
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This blog goes all the way back to 2005 and has postings from my old MySpace blog. It covers the majority of my 20s!
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