Well, was thinking yesterday about the fact that when I reminisce over whomever (my God), that it's always the heart breaker, the player, the loser, the waste of time. What about those nice guys that (b/c I'm a glutton for punishment) never had a chance. Many a time I've had a guy actually try to court me, want to spend time, be polite and affectionate, and it's mostly made me uncomfortable. How fucked up is that? Yea partially maybe the chemistry wasn't there, and I'm not one to force something unnatural, but also I just can't stand the sappiness of it all. I'm more of a jokester, that's what warms me to someone, being able to laugh and kid and be sarcastic, and quote movies and be witty. That's natural. Yet and still, I have decided to try to be more open to the nice guy, it's not his fault he hasn't learned how to be an asshole.
In other news, I finally have to get a job, 4real, all those other times I said it were warm-ups, but I have until the beginning of March to be back in the work force, ugh.I also need to go to a good party. But I haven't been feeling so hot lately, like not sexy at all, like what? You want me to dress up, nigga please. So Imma work on that.
Lastly, Willy from MTB4 is MARRIED. I'm so through w/ that show now, did they think I was watching it for Quanell and his pink ass lips (ughhh), or stingy-braid havin Brian???? No. Fortunately Project Runway is about to get to the good stuff, the final 3 and fashion week.
That is all for now.
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