Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Texting Saga

Since September when I managed to wrangle this phone away from my mother, the texting has not been working.  I've called Nextel a couple times and also visited the Sprint store.  Today I was on a mission, I went to 2 Sprint stores and two regular shops trying to either get my phone fixed or offload the piece of crap.  Nothin' doin.  So I got home, feeling utterly defeated, and finally dozed off.  I woke up like 4 this morning, and just decided to fuck with my phone some more, changing settings, removing the Sim card, etc.  Don't you know, I fixed my phone!  I should be happy, but now I'm just more pissed off.  If the solution was something as simple as the damn setting, why did no one from Nextel think to ask me what mine were?  These fucking imcompetent retards.  5 months I've spent telling people not to text me.  5 months I've had to call people who most times I'd rather text, 5 months spent out of the texting loop, all b/c Nextel can't provide proper customer service and tech support.  Imma bomb them, I swearfojefus.


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