This month is just about to JUMP OFF!
March 8 - Bilal @ The Highline Ballroom
March 12 - Peter Hadar w/ Talib Kweli & Q-tip @ SOB's
March 30 - MOS DEF! @ The Nokia Theatre - C'mon!
March 8 - Bilal @ The Highline Ballroom
March 12 - Peter Hadar w/ Talib Kweli & Q-tip @ SOB's
March 30 - MOS DEF! @ The Nokia Theatre - C'mon!
Takes me back to August, that was the last live month I've had as far as concerts. Also, I need a job, what's new right? Yea I know. I got some reasonable car insurance! Progressive. No not those jokers who suddenly asked me how I knew Benito. Sheesh. I'm also trying to take a trip down to MD to see an old friend, his name is Paul. We got back in touch thanks to the wonders of Myspace. I searched for his page but when I found it, looked like he had abandoned it for years. So I sent him a message just in case in Dec. He just called me last week. That's my ace. It's always nice to reconnect with someone you really cared about. So I'm thinking about renting a car since I'm 25 now and the rates are cheaper. Yes I think I shall. Also, even though he doesn't ask me very often, I've been taking Benito to work more often than I'd like to. See this is the problem when you have no real obligations, people think it's ok to ask you to do things out of the blue. Not so, not ok. He and I went to IHOP last week and he was talking to me about other women and how they always think it's more than it is. And I said to him "you don't have to worry about me", he got a little tight wondering why I put myself in the same column as them. But he said he knew a relationship wouldn't work the day he went fucking AWOL and I called my girl to come get me. Umm, ok. Not a good reason. Then he said, and you have sex w/ other guys (we haven't had sex in 3 years, WTH does that have to do w/ anything?). I was like yea God forbid
. Anyhow I realized as I continually realize that he just doesn't make any sense. And that my pursuit of him makes me seem desperate and ridiculously masochistic. Such is my lot in life thus far though. Speaking of having sex with other guys, Robert that I met on New Year's, we did the horizontal tango. I hate when guys ask me how it was after. Especially when it sucked ass. So I told him, it was aiight. You're 25 and still rabbit-fucking?! I was getting aggravated, and he took too long. I don't like sex all day and night. What's worse is, I KNEW it was gonna be wack. You know when you get a preview when ya'll are messing around? - I wasn't impressed. Ahh well. He was pressed talking about when are you gonna stop teasing me. I thought well maybe he'll surprise me. Now he'll never get another whiff. I don't do repeats of wackness. No sir. Not a good year so far in the intimacy dept. I think I'm gonna take another long hiatus. I miss Justin
. That was the Greatest Sex ©R. Kelly.
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