Personality wise - I’m just like my father, he was pretty basic in his needs and he liked familiarity and I don’t really like going out on a limb if it isn’t necessary. I guess I am conservative about taking risks in life - especially business and finance. It makes me nervous to think of undertaking something like a business, even help someone else upstart theirs. My mother is the complete opposite, she’s always thinking of the next venture, she owns plenty of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" type books. Me, I’m an Aquarius, very idealistic, and I really don’t value money the way most people do. My mom (also an Aquarius) once told me, money is meant to be spent and if you hold it tight in your hands, how can you have an open hand to receive any? Makes sense to me. So when I have money it’s cool and when I don’t, I stay my ass home, not that deep. Anyway on to the meat of this blog - my mom the go-getter.
She owns a corner store not too far from our house. She didn’t consult with me about it just told me after the fact. The first time I went to see it in Sept. I didn’t like it, it was dark and crowded and corner store-ish. I went today because she swears I don’t have an interest in the store. It’s not that, it’s I just have no idea what’s going on with it. And b/c of that I feel excluded and just assume she’ll tell me when she’s good and ready. Anyhow it was a completely different space, open and bright and inviting. And I felt proud of her. I wish I could be entrepreneurial like her but I just don’t have it in me. I’ll definitely support her though, and hopefully that spirit of enterprise will show up in my children when I have a family . Anyhow I guess this is just about how amazing my mom is, and how much I love her (oh gawd so sappy).
She owns a corner store not too far from our house. She didn’t consult with me about it just told me after the fact. The first time I went to see it in Sept. I didn’t like it, it was dark and crowded and corner store-ish. I went today because she swears I don’t have an interest in the store. It’s not that, it’s I just have no idea what’s going on with it. And b/c of that I feel excluded and just assume she’ll tell me when she’s good and ready. Anyhow it was a completely different space, open and bright and inviting. And I felt proud of her. I wish I could be entrepreneurial like her but I just don’t have it in me. I’ll definitely support her though, and hopefully that spirit of enterprise will show up in my children when I have a family . Anyhow I guess this is just about how amazing my mom is, and how much I love her (oh gawd so sappy).
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