Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So yesterday morning I happened to be awake unusually early and I decided to step my job search up a notch.  As much I like Monster and Work, they haven’t really been hitting me with any spectacular prospects.  Anyhow so I decide to apply to Macy's, b/c honestly, when I started in retail, that’s where I originally wanted to work.  I love Macy's and I don’t see how working there could be so bad.  So I apply on their site.  A couple hours later I get a call from HR and boom, I have an interview.  I love the internet.  No pounding the pavement, just uploading the resume and you’re IN there!  I run around for a couple hours searching for some black pants and shoes and some conservative earrings.  Get home with enough time to change and off I go to Short Hills Mall.  The very mall that anyone who knows me knows intimidates me.  It is the epitome of white bourgeoisie.  Everything in the mall is white as well!  The interview went well, interviewed with the manager of the Bridal Registry and the Regional Manager and b/c I’d worked at David’s Bridal I had an edge - on the flip side because I’d been terminated, I had to make it sound good like I don’t have a tardiness problem, which let’s face it, I do.  But I know I have the ability to be prompt if I want to.  So now I just have to see if I wowed them.  It felt good to get suited up and have an interview though.  I miss working.


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