Yea, this black sum-mum-ma bitch sent me a text Friday. Simply stating "I know we're not talking right now but I hope that you love your new job." Emotions welled up. My attachment to Benito is not rational, it's completely built on a foundation of wild emotions. Anyhow I didn't lose my head. I text him the next day, Saturday, simply stating "I do." Then he goes in w/ "Well hello, I didn't think I'd ever hear f/ you again." C'mon guy
. You know wtf you did last time and why I haven't been beat. So I say you didn't apologize. He proceeds to tell me why I was actually mad. No, negro. I'm mad for the reason I said I was mad! Are you serious?! Instead of being real and just apologizing he argues me down. I finally say, "Fine. This isn't going anywhere." He agrees, acting like it's my fault, talking about I just hit you up to see how you were and if you liked your job, I see you still feel some type of way about last time. It reminded me of one of those movies when people reunite and as soon as they let their guards down, start arguing and realize neither one has changed. I admit I'm stubborn, and I realize that Benito likes to make himself the victim when he does fucked up things, but I was right, point blank, period. And I'm not beat. I told him, it's not my JOB to be your friend, I chose to be there for you, but it's never enough. It will never be. EVER. To be in his life, I would have to consistently compromise myself, infinitely. Who the hell wants that?! The fuck outta here. AND. I'm not stupid. How many times do I have to say this. I just omit stating the obvious. He has a serious court date coming up. He didn't hit me up out of the blue. Get a grip on life Benito. The game is real. Asshole.
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This blog goes all the way back to 2005 and has postings from my old MySpace blog. It covers the majority of my 20s!
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