Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Know your role?

It's so ironic, every time Benito is in my life I have mad shit to write about, I even wrote a poem yesterday...but when I'm talking to other guys it's like... ::crickets::  Anyhow.  His son turned 6 today.  Benito had to work so he gave me the money to get the cake.  Ice cream cakes ROCK, they were out of Spider-man (of course), but also, I think this is cooler anyway, Spider-man is like, so 2 years ago.  Anyhow, Benito was really happy with my choice and tomorrow he's off so we're all going to The Land of Make-believe.  I've spent some time with the little boy before...I personally don't think he likes me, but who knows, he acts like his father - who is also a mystery.
But let's get to the point of this particular blog.  What the hell is my role this time around?  It's always the question du jour.  Obviously we're friends but while I was taking him to work he said the J Holiday song  "Bed" is our song...oh really...and what about that song applies to us?  Now we're doing this outing with his son tomorrow and I'm like, am I also mommy day care?  Like what's really?  I don't know what my role is,  maybe that's best, cause  once I embrace some definitive role with him, that's when all the drama always begins... 
So...for all those who maybe have never seen this man that I've ranted about for so long...here ya go:


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