Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Naw son.

I was really tempted to kick back on my laurels and collect unemployment while I figured out how to get back into school.  But now I realize I'm too accustomed to the routine of working life and I can't fall back to deadbeatness now.  I'll just have to pursue school and work, for my sanity and my finances.  So I do have some deal-breakers with the next job, NO RETAIL.  There's got to be a better way to make money with little to no real effort.  Even retail isn't that easy, and it destroys your social life, steals away your weekends, and kills your spirit if you let it.  So maybe a nice office job or something unexpected, but no more "Hi, welcome to such and such, how can I help you today..."  Yea, that's final.  But I need a job ASAP!  I can't believe I let a month go by, I thought working @ David's was depressing but sitting around all day is like the 9th level of hell or something, I like having purpose, it may not be my career goals achieved but atleast I'm making the most of my days doing something.  So I'll let you know as soon as I lock something down.
On another note.  I'm on the fence about continuing my relationship with Benito.  I don't think he's capable of making me happy, I'm sure he would like to and even thinks he's making it happen but I feel miserable, mostly I'm not over what happened and then it's like, he just doesn't get it.  I'm affectionate and he's controlling about things like that, if he initiates it, it's ok, if I ask for something he gets frustrated saying just let it happen and let me be myself.  Dude if that's who you are I need to be with someone completely different before I lose it, forreal.
Also my CPU is getting fixed so I can only get on when I come to my uncle's house so I'm tryna make the most of my blog.  But eventually I'll be back on track.  Thanks for the wise words Jessie, needed a guys opinion...


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